Thursday, 12 May 2011

Wedding Photographer Availability 2011 - (Dates Online)

Due to popular demand (it seems many people have been 'leaving it to the last minute' the upside of which for the couple - there are Wedding Photography promotions running on these 2011 wedding dates!

Im listing the 'late Availability' dates for Wedding Availability this wedding Season (March - October). These are my Saturdays in 2011 that are not booked yet and are available with Weddings Photography Package Enhancements (created to suit your photography requirements!)

June: FULL
July: 9th / 23rd / 30th
August: 20th
September: 24th

Updates of these Wedding Photographer Availability 2011 dates and Last Minute Wedding Availability dates are now uploaded to my website:

For November and December 2011 Wedding Dates - Please

These wedding dates are available with 10% - 15% discount or a large choice or big wedding photography Package updates


Yet WHY October 2011 still has availability is 'beyond me'!

We have had fabulous Indian Summers these past years - it seems the perfect month to have your wedding! - plus this Wedding Photographer will even offer an bonus Wedding Photography Package for 2011 October Weddings - like you need more of an incentive!


Wedding Photo Galleries

The Wedding Season is now underway and im back behind the editing screen preparing wedding photographs and online galleries and designing Graphistudio Photo Books, whilst the sun shines outside!

However, before the Wedding season started I did manage to put my favourite images (the ones on my portable Hard Drive (at any rate - about 1/3 of my weddings!)

Here are some of my favourite wedding Photographs:

Ive menaged to seperate my favourites into 5 Wedding Genres:
Wedding Photographs: Preperations
Wedding Photographs: Ceremony
Wedding Photographs: Portraits
Wedding Photography: Reportage
Wedding Photography: Celebrations

I expect i'll have to wait until winter to find the next opportunity to upload the rest of my favourites and edit through this hurried selection - putting all of these in one place - 175 weddings in one gallery - ALL of my favourites
A labour of Love!
